1. To be treated with respect and understanding by all employees of Sys Credit;
2. To ensure the confidentiality and protection of their personal data;
3. To repay their loan in advance in part or in full without any penalties for this, including giving up a consumer credit contract (loans to individuals over BGN 400) without giving any reason, within 14 days of signing by returning the sum borrowed and the interest accrued for those days;
4. Receive information about the obligation throughout the contract period, which includes: Free Certificate (not more than once a month) and without limitation an oral report by the servicing employee every working day between 9 and 18;
5. Submission of a Request for non-charging of penalties in case of reasonable cause of late payment and no more than one installment arrears, depositing it in an office of SIS Credit;
6. If late payment is received, they will be consulted on the payment options from now on by the servicing employee;
7. Submit a complaint or complaint about fraud, fraud, fraud or remarks to the institution as a whole directly to the Internal Control Department via: email: hotline@siscredit.com or with an official letter at: 1000 1000, Vitosha Blvd. , floor 2 and rely on the prompt and timely resolution of the problem;
8. Receive any information that is of interest to them in making an informed decision when signing a Loan Agreement in a language available to them by the employees of the Credit Credit; This information can be obtained from both an office employee and the lending experts at a head office.
9. Receive a Standard European form containing cost information before entering into a consumer credit agreement;
10. Submit a complaint to the Consumer Protection Commission in cases of violations found under the Consumer Protection Act;
11. Receive free consultation from the employees of the Credit Credit to what extent the loan is appropriate, what are the alternatives for the client and the risks of over-indebtedness;
12. Receive free consultation from companies in the SIS Financial Group;